Anyways ... I am choosing to write about #4 .... You can go back to your childhood for one day. What day and age do you choose?
I have thought long and hard today about my childhood and if there was a day I would like to go back to. I have always said that I wouldn't want to go back in time and change anything in my life. I really try to look at my past and learn from everything. Everything that has happened in my life has made me who I am today. I like me!
Now if I had a handy dandy De Lorian with a flux capacitor, you know like the one in Back to the Future. I would so go back and change a few things if I knew they would not affect the way things are now.
My first stop would so be the month or so leading up to my 8th grade graduation. The details are a little fuzzy but either I asked my mom to have someone make my graduation dress for me or she suggested it. Either way I have to admit I was not fully pleased with the outcome. I did ask for my dress to be peach. Hey it was the 80's and peach and mint green were like totally bitchen (at least to me). It is possible that I asked for that style of dress. Ok ok I did ask for that style but I thought it would come in some cool fabric. Not just plain cotton. I also thought it would be a little more fitted or something. I knew nothing about sewing or designing in 8th grade. I would so like to go back and get myself a bitchen dress. I know exactly what dress it would be. There was a white dress that was bubbled at the bottom and it had red polka dots on it. Think Cyndi Lauper meets Madonna 80's style. It was so rad. I wish my mom would have just gotten me that dress. Of course this post would not be complete without embarrassing pictures of me in said dress ...
8th Grade Graduation
The second stop I would make on my blast to the past voyage would be my Jr. year in High School. Homecoming dance with Chris D. I would so grab him and kiss him the way he deserved to be kissed ... well you know for being in High School. I met Chris the week I found out I was pregnant with Mini-me. I had been joking around for a few weeks to my friends that he would some day be my future husband. We met and found out that our birthdays were Oct. 13 & Oct. 14. He knew that I was pregnant at the time of our Birthday dates but it never phased him. At the age of 17 this sweet and caring boy wanted to take care of me and my daughter. Stupid stupid me turned him down. Not just one time but later when I was 19 I turned him down again. I think I would just go back and kiss him and tell him how freakin awesome and amazing he was.
Can I find a guy like that now please??
11th Grade Homecoming

My last stop would be my Sr. year in High School. I would love to go back and give myself a gigantic hug and tell myself that I am awesome and proud of myself. I had Mini-me at the end of my Jr. year of High School. I am not sure how I managed to pull it off but I graduated High School on time while being a teen mom and without support from her bio dad. I don't think that I give myself enough credit for all of the things I have gone through and overcome. (Note to self: You are awesome and so very strong. Give yourself more credit in the future) I would also tell my past self not to be so hard on myself about looks and body image. (I have struggled with an eating disorder since I had Mini-me) After I hugged my past self I would hug baby Mini-me and take in her baby smell one last time. Whisper an I love you into her ear and head back to the future.
What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now. ~Author Unknown
Sr. Picture ... I was 17
What you need to know about the past is that no matter what has happened, it has all worked together to bring you to this very moment. And this is the moment you can choose to make everything new. Right now. ~Author Unknown
Great stories.
Wonderful stories. Love the dress - 80's fashions rock, lol!
And you certainly encountered challenges in life but it seems you've met them head on and are better for it.
Stopping by from MamaKat's!
Great stories. I had a peach and mint green bedroom. The walls were peach, etc. Gag. I have a dress similar to that one, but emerald green and it has a big huge bow on the butt. I still have it. With dyed matching shoes. I believe I wore white pantyhose with it. HAHA! I am glad I found your blog. Your kids are beautiful.
I had a peach homecoming dress!
You sound like a very strong and self sufficient single mom. I am a former single mom so I know how tough it can be.
Visiting from Mama Kats...
Great post! I love how you revisited so many different parts of your past. And yeah...that dress needs some fixin! And wow ... a successful teenage mom. Hats off to you. I can't imagine how you pulled it off ... I'm 41 with a 4-year-old and there are days I can barely hold it together so I can't imagine how you did it. Give yourself a HUGE pat on the back!
I loved reading your post, thank you for sharing!
All I can say to this is WOW.
Love this post! The flashbacks to the eighties were "totally awesome".
One question; where is Chris now?? ;)
PS- thanks for the blog facelift tips! Glad you like. Still have to convert to 3 column tho...
You were clearly very comfortable and happy at the time in the dress and that's all that matters! You were a cutie!
How freakin funny to look at those old pictures. Isn't it funny to think that we thought we looked SO great in them : ). Do you think our kids will do that too?
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