Saturday, May 16, 2009

Positive thinking is where I am going

I did not get called back to do a 2nd interview with the University. I admit to being bummed about this but I can not let it take control of my emotions today. I will not over think what I could have done better in the interview.

I will move on knowing that as of right now I have a job that I love.
That I will probably have that job again in September and still love it.
I will and am focusing on finding a job for the summer.

And my new way of totally thinking about things when I am feeling bummed or frustrated ....


I will get through all of this ... I always do.

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~Author Unknown


Kori said...

love your attitude today!

No Matter How Things Appear To Be said...

Positive thinking brings the results which you desire. Keep up the great "mental" work ;)
